We all heard the sentence “You are what you eat”. As far as the brain is concerned, our most important organ, this idea that we become what we put in our body by nutrition makes even more sense. The importance of cerebral nutrition becomes quite obvious when we consider some key factors. The brain consumes a part of disproportionately nutrients ingested by the body. The function of brain cells is strongly affected by these nutrients available in the brain. The operation of our brain cells determines how we operate. Thus, our mood, our attention, our memory, etc., are all functions of cerebral nutrition.
The Gourmand brain – Why 40% of all your nutritional consumption is actually cerebral nutrition
Our intelligent body knows how important the brain is and therefore allocates its resources accordingly, allowing the brain to consume a part in a disproportionate manner of the nutrients we ingest. The brain weighs only 1 to 2% of your total body weight, but 20% of the air you breathe, 25% of your blood flow, 30% of the water you ingest and 40% of the nutrition of Your blood is sent to be consumed by the brain. This means that 40% of your nutrition consumption can be considered directly as a cerebral nutrition.
The powerful influence of nutrition on brain function
Nutrients available to the brain have a huge impact on the healthy functioning of our brain cells or our neurons. Nutrients affect the neuronal function directly, be metabolized without precursors, indirectly, by affecting the production of other substances in the brain that determine the cerebral cell function.
The billions of brain cells or neurons communicate via neurotransmitters – including serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine – which send signals through the brain track complex. Cerebral function is largely determined by the action of these chemical messengers. Losing the mental agility of old age, for example, can result from brain cells to communicate effectively rather than cell death. Good cerebral nutrition influences the production and action of neurotransmitters. For example, research shows higher levels of neurotransmitter dopamine in laboratory rats that are nourished blueberries, rich in antioxidants. Dopamine, in turn, is important for cognition, motivation, mood, attention and learning.
The other examples of nutrients that affect cerebral function include tyrosine, an amino acid found in proteins that also supports the action of important neurotransmitters; Mineral magnesium, which can reduce hyperactivity and irritability; and omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve mood, attention and vigilance.
Nutrition of the brain is super important for your well-being and your life
Thus, nutrition has a huge impact on how we feel, think and function. Our emotions, our memory, our ability to focus and accomplish tasks, and therefore our lives are strongly affected by what we put in our body, whether food, nutritional supplements or medicines.